Nuclear physics

Nuclear physics is the branch of physics that deals with isolated nuclei of atoms. Or it is the study of nuclei and particles within the nuclei like protons and neutrons. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion are the types of nuclear reactions which are the major findings of nuclear physics.
In this topic we will learn in detail about the following topics related to nuclear physics:
Nuclear fission
Nuclear fusion
Difference between nuclear fission and fusion
Types of radioisotopes
Difference between mass defect and binding energy
Nuclear reactor
Fundamental forces of nature
Types of radiations
Properties of alpha ,beta and gamma rays
Difference between natural and artificial radioactivity
Half life of radioactive elements

What are some examples of nuclear reactions?

Nuclear Reaction definition While studying radioactivity, we have seen that an α-particle is emitted from radium-226, and radon-222 is obtained.…

12 months ago

Nuclear reactor components and types

What is nuclear reactor?How does it works ? In a nuclear power station, the reactor plays the same part as…

12 months ago

Types of radioactivity or Radiation

Types of radioactivity are provided here. There are three types of radiation, alpha radiation, Beta radiation, and Gamma radiation. Keep…

12 months ago

Types of radioisotopes and their examples

Radioisotopes are formed by Isotopes, which are atoms with the same atomic number and different mass numbers. Some Types of…

12 months ago
What is Radioactive Decay?What is Radioactive Decay?

What is Radioactive Decay?

Nuclei are made up of protons and neutrons, which are held together by the so-called strong force. Some nuclei have a…

12 months ago

Difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion

Nuclear fission and Nuclear Fusion are the Types of Nuclear Reactions. The basic difference between nuclear fission and fusion is…

12 months ago

Half Life formula

What is Half Life ? "The Time during which half of the unstable radioactive nuclei disintegrate is called the half-life…

12 months ago

Types of Natural Radioactivity

What is Natural-radioactivity? All the elements beyond hydrogen and helium were made in nuclear reactions in the interiors of stars…

12 months ago

Properties of alpha, Beta and Gamma rays with uses and differences

Three types of radiations are emitted from radioactive elements that are Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiations. This post also includes…

1 year ago

What are the four fundamental forces in nature?

In physics, the fundamental forces, also known as fundamental interactions, are the forces that do not appear to be reducible to more basic…

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