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Difference between Anabolism and Catabolism with Examples

Metabolism (a collection of chemical reactions that occur in all living things) is made up of two chemical processes: anabolism and catabolism. These mechanisms are opposite but complementary in that they are mutually dependent and allow cells to operate and develop. Here you will see what is the difference between Anabolism and Catabolism.

What is Anabolism?

Anabolism is a collection of reactions that produces complex compounds from tiny molecules. As a result, anabolism is a beneficial procedure. Anabolic processes necessitate the use of ATP as a source of energy. They’re referred to as endergonic processes. The synthesis of complex molecules is a step-by-step process that creates tissues and organs. These intricate molecules are required for cell growth, development, and differentiation. They also aid in the development of muscle mass and the mineralization of bones. Anabolism is aided by a variety of hormones, including insulin, growth hormone, and steroids.

Anabolism is divided into three stages. Precursors such as monosaccharides, nucleotides, amino acids, and isoprenoids are formed during the first stage. Second, ATP in active form is used to activate these precursors. Third, complex molecules like polysaccharides, nucleic acids, polypeptides, and lipids are formed from these reactive forms.

The ability of organisms to generate complex compounds from basic precursors can be used to classify them.

Plants, for example, may make complex compounds in their cells from a single carbon precursor-like carbon dioxide.

Examples of Anabolism


Autotrophic organisms carry out anabolic processes (they do not need other living beings to feed themselves, since they generate their own food). Using the energy provided by sunlight, inorganic stuff is transformed into organic matter via photosynthesis.

Chemosynthesis. The oxidation of inorganic materials is used to convert one or more carbon and nutrient molecules into organic matter. It is distinct from photosynthesis in that it does not rely on sunlight for energy.

Calvin’s life cycle. The chloroplasts of plant cells undergo a chemical reaction. Carbon dioxide molecules are employed to make a glucose molecule in this experiment. It refers to the ability of autotrophic organisms to incorporate inorganic materials.

Protein synthesis. Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids and are created by a chemical process. The transfer RNA transports the amino acids to the messenger RNA, which is in charge of selecting the order in which the amino acids link to form the chain. This occurs in the ribosomes, which are organelles found in all cells.

Gluconeogenesis. The chemical process by which glucose is produced from non-carbohydrate glycosidic precursors.

What is catabolism?

Catabolism is a collection of processes that breaks down large compounds into smaller parts. As a result, catabolism is a destructor. Energy is released during a catabolic reaction. This is done by releasing ATP and heat. Exergonic processes are taken into account.

Catabolism produces tiny molecules that can be employed as precursors in subsequent anabolic reactions or to release energy through oxidation. As a result, catabolic reactions are thought to generate the chemical energy needed by anabolic reactions. During catabolism, cellular wastes such as urea, ammonia, lactic acid, acetic acid, and carbon dioxide are generated. Catabolism is aided by a number of hormones, including glucagon, adrenaline, and cortisol.

Organisms are classed as heterotrophs or organography based on their usage of organic substances as carbon sources or electron donors. Heterotrophs use intermediate complex organic compounds to break down monosaccharides to provide energy for cellular functions. Organotrophs degrade organic compounds to produce electrons, which are then utilized in their electron transport chain to produce ATP energy.

Examples of Catabolism

Respiration of cells.

Degradation of organic materials into inorganic substances by a chemical process. This catabolic energy is then used to make ATP molecules. Cellular respiration can be divided into two types: aerobic (which uses oxygen) and anaerobic (which does not use oxygen).


The body’s macromolecules are broken down and converted into simpler forms during the catabolic process (proteins are degraded to amino acids, polysaccharides to monosaccharides and lipids to fatty acids).

Glycolysis is the process of breaking down carbohydrates into sugars. After digestion, a process happens (where polysaccharides are degraded to glucose). Each molecule of glucose is divided into two pyruvate molecules during glycolysis.

Cycle of Krebs

Chemical reactions that occur in aerobic cells during cellular respiration. The acetyl-CoA molecule is oxidized, and chemical energy in the form of ATP is released.

Nucleic acid degradation

Degradation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).

Catabolism Vs Anabolism

To be clear, we have divided the two phases into elements, so you can see exactly the main differences between anabolism and catabolism. See:


  • Has the ability to degrade.
  • energy is produced
  • Simple compounds like amino acids are produced by them.
  • It’s cellular respiration and digesting.


  • Has reactions that are synthetic.
  • Energy is consumed.
  • Proteins, for example, are complex molecules produced by them.
  • Protein synthesis and photosynthesis are two processes that occur simultaneously.

Difference between Anabolism and Catabolism in tabular form




The phase where the molecules that the body needs are built.

The process breaks down large molecules in the body into smaller ones.


It is consumed by the body.

It releases it to the body.

Endergonic, reduction and synthesis or construction.

Exergonic, decomposing or destructive, and oxidative.

Complex molecules are produced from simple molecules.


Simple molecules are produced from complex molecules.



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