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Difference between Angiosperms and Gymnosperms

Difference between Angiosperms and GymnospermsDifference between Angiosperms and GymnospermsThe Basic difference between Angiosperms and Gymnosperms is that in Angiosperms double fertilization takes place, while in Gymnosperms single fertilization takes place.

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Difference between Angiosperms and Gymnosperms





Seed develops inside the ovary which develops into a fruit.

Naked seed borne to megasporophyll. No fruit formation.


Endosperm formed after fertilization.


Endosperm formed before pollination. It is actually a food containing female gametophyte.

Anther consists of 4 pollen sacs.


Number of microsporangia borne on microsporophylls ranges from 2 to numerous cycas.

Flowers are bisexual.


Cones are mostly unisexual.

Ovules are borne inside the ovary and covered.


Ovules are exposed on megasporphylls.

Megasporophyll delicate.


Megasporophyll woody.
Double fertlization takes place.

Single fertilization takes place.


Egg apparatus present in embryo sac.


Female gametophyte contains archeogonia.

Ovules have a narrow microphyle.


Ovules have a large microphyle.

Pollen grains display diverse forms.


Pollen grains are winged.

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