Electricity & Megnetism

biot savart law:definition, examples, problems and applications

What is the definition of biot savart law? Biot Savart law is defined as: "The magnetic induction at any point…

11 months ago
Difference Between Voltage and CurrentDifference Between Voltage and Current

Difference Between Voltage and Current

The basic difference between voltage and current is that Voltage is the amount of energy per charge which is required…

12 months ago

Factors Affecting Resistance

Resistance is the property of the material that restricts the flow of electrons. There are four factors affecting resistance which…

12 months ago

Types of electromagnetic radiation in order of increasing wavelength

There are 7 types of electromagnetic radiation which are given in the  list below: Light Infrared radiation Microwaves radiations X-rays…

12 months ago

What is difference between step up and step down transformer?

The transformer is an electrical device that is used to step up or step down ac voltage. There are two…

12 months ago

5 band resistor colour code

Carbon resistors are most common in electronic equipment. They consist of a high-grade ceramic rod or cone ( called the…

12 months ago

Structure of atom for class 9 and 11

what is Atom? "Atom is the smallest particle of an element that possesses the unique characteristics of that element." All…

12 months ago

what is Difference between induced emf and induced current?

There are many ways to produce induced emf figures illustrated one of them. Consider a straight piece of wire of…

12 months ago

What is difference between electric field and electric field intensity?

The Basic Difference between electric field and electric field intensity is that, The electric field is a region around a…

12 months ago

Kirchhoff’s voltage and current law with examples

What is Kirchhoff's Voltage Law? Kirchhoff's voltage law is a fundamental circuit law that states that the algebraic sum of…

12 months ago