Center of mass of a system is such a point where an applied force causes the system to move without rotation. And The center of gravity of a body is the point where the whole weight of the body appears to act vertically downward.
“Centre of a mass of a system is such a point where an applied force causes the system to move without rotation”
It is observed that the center of mass of a system moves as if its entire mass is confined at that point. A force applied at such a point in the body does not produce any torque in it i.e. the body moves in the direction of net force F without rotation.
Consider a system of two particles A and B connected by a light rigid rod. Let O is a point anywhere between A and B such that the force F is applied at point O. If the system moves in the direction of force F without rotation, then point O is the center of mass of the system.
does the system still move without rotation if the force acts elsewhere on it?
See Also: States of equilibrium
“A point where the whole weight of the body appears to acts vertically downward is called centre of gravity of a body.”
A body is made up of a large number of particles as illustrated. Earth attracts each of these particles vertically downward towards its centre. The pull of the Earth acting on a particle is equal to its weight. These forces acting on a particle of a body are almost parallel forces is a single force equal to the weight of the body. A point where this resultant force acts vertically towards the center of the Earth is called the center of gravity G of the body.
It is useful to know the location of the center of the gravity of a body in problems dealing with equilibrium.
A simple method to find the center of gravity of a body is by the use of a plumbline. A plumbline consists of a small metal bob (lead or brass) supported by a string. When the bob is suspended freely by the string, it rests along the vertical direction due to its weight acting vertically downward. In this state, center of gravity of the bob is exactly below its point of suspension.
See Also : Difference between stable, Unstable and neutral equilibrium
Take an irregular piece of cardboard. Make holes A, Band C, near its edge. Fix a nail on a wall. support the cardboard on the nail through one of the holes (let it be A), so that the cardboard can swing freely about A. The cardboard will come to rest with its center of gravity just vertically below the nail. a vertical line from A can be located using a plumb line hanging from the nail. Mark the line on the cardboard behind the plumb line. Repeat it by supporting the cardboard from hole B. The line from B will intersect at a point G. Similarly, draw another line from the hole C. Note that this line also passes through G. It will be found that all the vertical lines from holes A, B and C have a common point G. This common point G is the center of gravity of the cardboard.
See Also: Conditions of equilibrium
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