We have all noticed at some time that if we travel standing in the bus and it stops suddenly, our body tends to “continue traveling”, which forces us to quickly grab hold of some firm element within the bus so as not to fall.
This happens because the bodies tend to maintain their state, of rest or movement, if not for the action of a force. Physics recognizes this phenomenon as “inertia”.
So inertia is the resistance that matters opposes modifying its state of rest or motion, and a body is said to have greater inertia the greater resistance it opposes to modify its state.
Physics distinguishes between mechanical inertia and thermal inertia :
Ultimately, inertial forces are apparent forces that are perceived in a non-inertial reference system.
These ideas have been embodied in Newton’s first law or the law of inertia, according to which if a given body is not subject to the action of forces, it will maintain its speed in magnitude and its direction at all times without change.
However, it is interesting to say that before Newton, the scientist Galileo Galilei already raised this concept facing the Aristotelian point of view in his work Dialogues on the two great systems of the world, Ptolemaic and Copernican, dating from 1632.
There he says (in the mouth of one of his characters) that if a body slides on a smooth and perfectly polished plane, it would maintain its movement ad infinitum. But if this body were to slide on an inclined surface, it would suffer the action of a force that could cause it to accelerate or decelerate (depending on the direction of inclination).
So Galileo already glimpsed that the natural state of objects is not exclusively that of rest, but also that of a rectilinear and uniform movement, insofar as there are no other forces acting.
Associated with this physical concept, when describing human behaviors, the other meaning of the term inertia appears, which is applied to those cases in which people do nothing about something due to laziness, adherence to routine, comfort, or simply by letting themselves be as you are, which is often the easiest.
Examples of everyday or known situations are given that account for the physical phenomenon of inertia:
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