Categories: Optics

What is Difference between real image and virtual image?

The Basic difference between real and virtual images is provided here. The basic difference between real image and a virtual image is that a real image is formed from the concave mirror and convex lens, while a virtual image is formed from a convex mirror and concave lens. More differences between real and virtual images are given below in the tabular form.

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Difference between real image and virtual image in tabular form

Difference between Real Image and Virtual Image
Real Image Virtual Image
Real Images can be obtained on the screen. Virtual images cannot be obtained on the screen.
The real linage is inverted. The virtual image is erect.
The real image is formed because of the actual intersection of reflected or refracted rays. The virtual image is formed because of the apparent intersection of reflected or refracted rays.
The real image is formed in the concave mirror or convex lens. The virtual image is formed in the convex mirror or concave lens.

Read Also: Spherical mirrors


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