Categories: Biology

Difference between Reflection and Reaction

difference between reflection and refractiondifference between reflection and refraction

The Difference between Reflex and Reaction is given here. Reflexes are an automatic response of a living being to the presence of a certain stimulus, while the reaction is a response generated by the action. It is also conceived as the way in which an organism or individual responds to a specific stimulus.
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What is Reflection?

It is the automatic and involuntary response of a living being to a specific stimulus. It is a movement or activation of a gland. A reflex can be a movement that is triggered spontaneously. There are also reflexes that cause the activation of a gland such as the lactic secretion reflex. The mammary glands produce milk under the sucking stimulus generated by babies.

Reflexes can be innate or acquired. Innate reflexes are produced naturally and are not learned, whereas a conditioned reflex is one that we learn through experience. The properties of reflections are:

  • Invariability: The reflexes are the same in all individuals.
  • Integrity: In order for the atomic elements to come into action, they must come into action continuously.
  • Speed: It depends on the path of the excitation in the sensitive nerve and the transformation of the sensation into a motor reaction through the excitation in the motor nerve and the reaction of the muscle.
  • Personal equation: Reflection time can vary.
  • Fatigability: If the same reflex is provoked repeatedly, the intensity of the response decreases.

What is Reaction?

It is recognized as a reaction or consequence of a certain action. In some cases, it is known as resistance or opposing force or something. suggested video:

Reflex vs Reaction

Difference between Reflex and Reaction in points

  • Reflexes are performed voluntarily or involuntarily and can be conditioned or learned.
  • The reaction is a voluntary response to an action or, caused in the case of chemical and biological reactions.

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