Categories: Mechanics

Difference between renewable and non renewable energy sources

Renewable and nonrenewable are two sources of energy. The resources of energy that can be regenerated again and again are called renewable energy resources. While the energy sources that cannot be regenerated again and again are called nonrenewable resources of energy. The difference between renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy can be done on the basis of nature, cost, environment friendly, quantity, etc.

Renewable energy sources

Those energy sources that can be used or regenerated again and again are called renewable resources of energy.

Examples of renewable energy sources

  • Wind energy
  • Solar energy
  • Heat energy
  • Energy from biomass
  • energy from tides
  • energy from sun
  • Energy from waves

Non renewable  sources of energy

The sources of energy that are nonrenewable or cannot be regenerated again and again are called nonrenewable sources of energy.

Non renewable resources of energy examples

  • energy from coal
  • energy from metal ores
  • energy from mineral ores
  • energy from crude oil
  • energy from nuclear

Distinguish between renewable and non renewable sources of energy

Renewable energy sources Non renewable energy sources
The energy sources can be regenerated again and again.
Like the wind, water, air, etc
The energy sources cannot be regenerated again and again. Like coal, oil and gas, etc
They are sustainable in nature. They are exhaustible in nature.
They are present in unlimited quantity. They are present in limited quantities.
They are environmentally friendly. They are not environment friendly
They are low cast. They are expensive.
Their rate of renewal is greater than the rate of consumption. Their rate of renewal is less than the rate of consumption.


Renewable and nonrenewable resources of energy (video)

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