Categories: Biology

Difference between Vitamins and proteins

Difference between vitamins and ProteinsDifference between vitamins and Proteins


The Difference between Vitamins and Proteins is given here. Vitamins and proteins are essential in a healthy diet. Vitamins are necessary for physiological functioning as they act as catalysts for them. Proteins are biomolecules made up of amino acids necessary for the formation of tissue in the body and for the synthesis of DNA.

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What are Vitamins?

Vitamins are heterogeneous compounds necessary for life as they must be consumed in a balanced way in the doses necessary to promote correct physiological functioning. Most of them cannot be made by the body so they are obtained through the balanced intake of vitamins contained in food.

They are nutrients that act as direct or indirect catalysts of physiological processes. They are also precursors to coenzymes. They are classified into fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and water-soluble (B complex and vitamin C)

What are Proteins?

Proteins are biomolecules made up of linear chains of amino acids. Due to their physical properties, they can be classified into simple proteins formed only by amino acids, conjugated proteins, formed by amino acids and other diverse substances, and derived proteins, formed by denaturation and the splitting of conjugated proteins. They are necessary for life because they constitute 980% of the protoplasm of cells, they are part of the enzymes, they are necessary for the growth and defense of the organism. They are the most versatile and diverse biomolecules. Its functions include:

  • Contractible.
  • Enzymatic.
  • Structural.
  • Homeostatic.
  • Immunological.
  • Production of scabs.
  • Protective or defensive.
  • Signal transduction.

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Vitamin vs Proteins

Difference between Vitamins and Proteins in points

  • The term vitamin comes from the English vitamins, today vitamin, and this in turn, from the Latin vita ‘life’ and the suffix amine.
  • Vitamins are heterogeneous compounds necessary for the physiological functioning of the body. Most are not made by our bodies and must be consumed from food.
  • The term proteins come from the French: protéine, and this from the Greek proteins, which means prominent or top quality.
  • Proteins are made up of amino acids and are determined by the genetics of the living being.
  • Proteins fulfill various functions within the body.
  • Vitamins are catalysts for some biological processes.

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