AC Generator Vs DC Generator

Difference between ac generator and dc generatorDifference between ac generator and dc generator
AC Generator Vs DC Generator

The Difference between AC generators and DC generators is a frequently discussed topic in Physics. This post includes the main differences between AC and DC generators in tabular form. I hope these AC and DC generator differences will help the students.

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Before going to learn Comparison, we learn in detail about AC Generators and DC generators.

Let’s Dive right now …

What is AC Generator?

AC Generator ( Alternating current Generator) is an electrical device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It works on the principle of Electromagnetic induction.

Read Also: Ac Generator

What is DC Generator?

DC Generator is a mechanical device that converts mechanical energy into DC electric power. in this type of Generator, the coil rotates in a fixed field.
Read Also: DC Generator

Difference between AC Generator and DC Generator in tabular form


AC Generator DC Generator
1: AC Generator ( Alternating current generator) is a device that converts M.E into AC electric power. 1: DC Generator (Direct current Generator) is a device that converts M.E into DC electric power.
2: IN AC Generator current changes its direction. 2: In DC generator current flows in one direction.
3: In AC generator coil is fixed, while magnets move. 3: In DC Generator coil rotates in a fixed field.
4: It does not have a commutator. 4: It has a commutator.
5: It has slip rings. 5: It has no slip rings.
6: These are highly efficient than DC Generators. 6: These are less efficient than AC generators.
7: AC generators produce a high voltage. 7: DC Generators produce low voltage.
8: They are highly reliable than DC Generators. 8: They are less reliable than AC Generators.
9: High initial cost. 9: Less initial cost.
10: Its output distribution is easy. 10: Is output distribution is difficult.

Related Links:

AC Generators AC Current Vs DC Current
Difference between mutual and self-induction AC Motor Vs DC motor



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