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Examples of Bioelements in human body

Bioelements are elements found in all living organisms. The primary role of bioelements is to aid the survival of the organism in which they are found. Carbon, magnesium, and zinc are some examples of bioelements.

Different biomolecules make up each cell ( nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, etc). Each of these biomolecules, in turn, is made up of a large number of atoms (atoms of oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, etc.).

Atoms, for example, are elements that can be found in the periodic table. An atom unit is represented by bioelements. An oxygen atom, a phosphorous atom, a sulfur atom, and so on.

Bioelements classification

According to the structure of the biomolecules, these bioelements can be classed as primary, secondary, or tertiary elements or trace elements. That is the mixture of the molecules’ various atoms.

Bioelements in their Primary form

The creation of organic macromolecules requires these bioelements. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, and sulfur are a few of them. These can be found both inside living things and in the atmosphere.
They are then used to create biomolecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. They make up almost 95% of the elements in the human body.

Examples of Primary bioelements

  • Carbon (50%)
  • Oxygen (20%)
  • Nitrogen (14%)
  • Hydrogen (8%)
  • Phosphorus (5%)
  • Sulfur (3%)

Bioelements with secondary functions.

They can be found in all living organisms. They are essential because they work together in the organism’s various metabolic activities (nervous system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, respiratory system, etc.).
Chlorine, potassium, calcium, and magnesium are some of the most common secondary bioelements in the body. The absence of them stops biological creatures from operating properly.

Examples of Secondary elements

  1. Magnesium
  2. Calcium
  3. Iron
  4. Manganese
  5. Potassium

Tertiary bioelements

These make up only 1% of all bioelements. However, both their absence and their abundance can cause significant harm to the body.
Iron, zinc, iodine, and zinc are some of the most well-known bioelements found in the human body.

Examples of Tertiary elements

  1. Cobalt
  2. Copper
  3. Fluorine
  4. Zinc

Examples of bioelements in food

water (fluorine) Seafood (iodine) Beans (copper)
Avocado (potassium) Oregano (potassium) Dried fruits (manganese)
Basil (potassium) Bread (magnesium) Egg (calcium)
White meats (copper) Parsley (potassium) milk (calcium)
Red meats (magnesium) pepper (potassium) Butter (calcium)
Onion (cobalt) Banana (potassium) Flax seeds (manganese)
Cereals (copper) Cheeses (calcium) soy (iron)
Chocolate (magnesium) Radish (cobalt) tea (fluoride)
Coriander (potassium) rosemary (iron) Thyme (iron)
cumin (iron) Cereal bran (manganese) vegetables (iron)
Turmeric (potassium) Pumpkin seeds (manganese) yogurt (calcium)
dill (iron)

Related Articles:

  • Biomolecules
  • Trace elements
  • Antigens
  • Branches of biochemistry
  • Bioelements Vs Biomolecules

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