Quiz Bank

  • Physics short Questions

    If you are a student of class 10 and worried about the Physics paper, we have prepared Physics important short Questions for 10th class. By preparing these short Questions you can attempt full short Questions and will secure Full marks.…

  • difference between microscope and telescope in tabular form

    The microscope and telescope are two optical devices and are used for different purposes. The microscope is an optical device that is used to see very small objects ( Unicellular organisms), While telescopes is an optical instrument that is used…

  • Why is the electron volt often a more convenient unit of energy than a joule?

    Both electron volt and joule are the units of energy. Since energies at the atomic level are very small and are expressed in electron volt rather than Joule because Joule is a bigger unit. Hence the unit electron volt for…

  • What is difference between free and forced oscillations?

    In this post, you are going to learn about the Difference between Free and Forced  Oscillations. If You want to get benefits from this post, Then you are at the Right Place. Let’s Dive right in: Contents: Definitions Examples Applications…

  • How can you determine the polarity of unlabeled magnet?

    The polarity of an unlabelled magnet is determined by the following methods. First method: Suspend the magnet freely with the help of a thread so that it can oscillate freely. When the magnet comes to rest, one end always points…

  • Why are some lines in the hydrogen spectrum brighter than others?

    In hydrogen spectrum,some spectral lines are brighter than others depending upon their energy level.These bright lines show that electrons have jumped from higher energy level to lower energy level.When electron jumps from some higher orbit,the energy released in the from…

  • Is an electron a particle or a wave?

    In 1924,de Broglie proposed that particle acts as a wave and wave acts as a particle. Davisson and Germer experimentally confirmed the wave nature of electron.They showed that electrons are diffracted from metallic crystal in the same manner as x-rays…

  • Why is wave nature of matter not more apparent in our daily observations?

    Since,the de-Broglie wavelength is given by the relation λ = h/mv As the value of Plank’s constant is very small,so the wavelength associated with ordinary object is so small and is difficult to observe.In our daily observations we deal with…

  • What is difference between photon and electron?

    In this topic we will differentiate between photon and electron on the basis of their properties. Properties of Photon A photon has no rest mass because it cannot be at rest with respect to an observer. A photon moves with…

  • Best foods to Prevent from Infection

    This post includes the list of Foods to prevent infection. let’s see right now… Turmeric ” Turmeric, oregano, thyme, coriander, cloves, parsley, or black pepper are just some examples of spices that act as natural antibiotics and also have a large…

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