Einstein gives two postulates of the Special theory of relativity. Which are given in the list below:
The theory of relativity is concerned with the way in which the observers who are in a state of relative motion describe the physical phenomenon.
The theory of relativity is given by Albert Einstein in 1905 which states that there is no absolute state that exists in the universe, all states are relative.
The theory of relativity is concerned with the way in which the observers who are in a state of relative motion describe the physical phenomenon. The special theory of relativity has an undeserved reputation as a difficult subject. It is not mathematically complicated; most of its details can be understood using techniques well known to readers of this text. Perhaps the most challenging aspect of special relativity is its insistence that we replace some of our ideas about space and time, which we have acquired years of common sense experiences with new ideas.
The kinematics developed by Galileo and mechanics developed by Newton, which forms the basis of what we call classical physics, had many triumphs. Particularly noteworthy are the understanding of the motion of the planets and the use of kinetic theory to explain certain observed properties of gasses.
However, a number of experimental phenomena cannot be understood, with the otherwise successful classical theories. Let us discuss a few of these difficulties.
There are two parts of the theory of relativity:
The general theory of relativity
The general theory of relativity deals with the problems involving frames of reference accelerated with respect to each other.
The special theory of relativity
The special theory of relativity deals with the problems involving non-accelerated frames of reference..
A scientific theory usually begins with general statements called postulates, which attempt to provide a basis for the theory. From these postulates, we can obtain a set of mathematical laws in the form of equations that relate to physical variables.
For about two centuries, the mechanics of Galileo and Newton withstood all experimental tests. In this case, the postulates concern the absolute nature of space and time.
Based on his thought experiment about catching a light beam, Einstein realized the need to replace the Galilean laws of relative motion. In his paper, entitled On the Electrodynamics of moving bodies, Einstein offered two postulates that form the basis of his Special theory of relativity.
1st postulate
The laws of physics are the same in all initial frames of reference.
2nd postulate
The speed of light in free space has the same value in all initial frames of reference in all directions.
The 1st postulate is the generalization of the fact that all physical laws are the same in the frame of reference moving with the uniform velocity with respect to one another.
If the laws of physics are different for different observers in the relative motion, the observer could determine from this difference that which of them were stationary in space and which of them were moving. But such distinction does not exist, so this postulate implies that there is no way to detect absolute uniform motion.
The 2nd postulate states an experimental fact the speed of light in free space is the universal constant whose value is 3 x 108 m/sec.
Results of the special theory of relativity
The following results are concluded from the special theory of relativity and we discuss them here with outgoing their mathematical derivation.
According to the special theory of relativity, time is not an absolute quantity. It depends upon the motion of the frame of reference.
Proper Time
Suppose an observer is stationary in an inertial frame. He measures the time interval between two events in this frame. This is known as the proper time.
Relativistic Time
If the observer is moving with respect to the frame of events with velocity v or the frame of events is moving with respect to the observer would not time interval, but it would be such that
As the quantity is less than one, so t is greater than. i.e., the time has dilated or stretched due to the relative motion of the observer and the frame of reference of events.
The amazing result applies to all timing processes e.g., physical, chemical, and biological processes. Even the aging process of the human body is slowed by motion at a very high speed.
If you are in motion relative to two points that are a fixed distance apart, the distance between two points appears to be shorter than when you were at rest relative to them. This effect is known as length contraction. Length contraction happens only along the direction of motion. No such contraction would be observed perpendicular to the direction of motion.
Proper length
The length of an object or the distance between two points measured by an observer who is relatively at rest is called proper length.
Relativistic Length
If an observer and an object are in relative motion with the speed v, then the contracted length is given by
As the quantity is less than one, so the proper length is always greater than the relativistic length.
Let us see the video about length contraction.
The distance from the earth to a star measured by an observer in a moving spaceship would seem smaller than that the distance measured by an observer on earth frame.
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I intend go beyond relativity and quantum and use thought and phase velocity, two faster than light signals in my theory of thoughtonics. Thought is, "absolute truth and even its inverse". Hence it is mass-energy, spacetime, rather space-phase-time, laws of nature, and information in non-living without emotions and the thought in living beings along with emotions. My attempt is to complete my theory in 5 parts whose 2 parts are already published and more are coming soon.