
Difference between Gastritis and ulcer

Difference between gastritis and ulcerGastritis and ulcers are irritations, which must be treated urgently in order not to develop future gastric disorders. According to its origin, gastritis is an inflammation of the layers of the stomach, while the ulcer from irritation forms a wound in the stomach tissues.

What is Gastritis?

It is known as an inflammation of the layers that internally protect the stomach, which if not treated in time can cause severe results such as gastric cancer. The diagnosis of gastritis is through gastroscopy and a biopsy, which invasively analyzes the gastric mucosa. This inflammation is treated with medications that allow the layers of the stomach to deflate, in turn relieving heartburn, belching, vomiting, or the presence of blood in the stool.

The presence of an ulcer refers to the wound that forms in the gastric mucosa as a result of short- or medium-term irritation, which was not treated. For this reason, when the ulcer is detected, it is when the wound is just forming. The presence of the ulcer is not a serious situation and it is treated by means of antacids that deflate the wound, thus allowing the healing of the tissues that were broken by gastric juices.

Difference between Gastritis and ulcer

  • Gastritis is a gastric inflammation.
  • An ulcer is a wound formed from an untreated gastric irritation.
  • Gastritis is concentrated in the layers of the stomach.
  • The ulcer weakens the tissues around the stomach.
  • The diagnosis of gastritis is through a gastroscopy.
  • Gastritis if not treated in time and professionally, can trigger major irritations up to causing gastric cancer.
  • The presence of an ulcer is not serious but it does require treatment so as not to trigger vomiting or bloody stools.

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