Electricity & Megnetism

  • AC Generator Vs DC Generator

    The Difference between AC generators and DC generators is a frequently discussed topic in Physics. This post includes the main differences between AC and DC generators in tabular form. I hope these AC and DC generator differences will help the…

  • Different Types of transformer and their uses

    A transformer is an electrical device that is used to change a given alternating emf into a larger or smaller alternating emf. There are basically two main types of transformers step-up transformer which converts a low input voltage into high…

  • Difference between mutual and self induction

    The process in which a changing current in one coil induces emf in another coil, is called mutual induction. While the phenomenon in which a changing current in a coil induces an emf in itself is called self-induction. What is…

  • What are some Examples of Electrical energy?

    Electrical energy definition “Electrical energy is produced by moving electric charges commonly through a wire.”When the charge moves from a higher electric potential to a lower potential, it delivers an electric current. Thus, the process, during which charges continuously move…

  • biot savart law:definition, examples, problems and applications

    What is the definition of biot savart law? Biot Savart law is defined as: “The magnetic induction at any point produced by current element is directly proportional to the product of the current and the differential element and inversely proportional…

  • Difference between voltage and current in tabular form

    Difference Between Voltage and Current

    The basic difference between voltage and current is that Voltage is the amount of energy per charge which is required to move electrons from one point to another, while current is the rate of flow of charges. What is voltage…

  • Factors Affecting Resistance

    Resistance is the property of the material that restricts the flow of electrons. There are four factors affecting resistance which are Temperature, Length of wire, Area of the cross-section of the wire, and nature of the material. When there is…

  • Types of electromagnetic radiation in order of increasing wavelength

    There are 7 types of electromagnetic radiation which are given in theĀ  list below: Light Infrared radiation Microwaves radiations X-rays Ultraviolet radiations Radiowaves Gamma rays What is Electromagnetic Spectrum? The word spectrum comes from a Latin word meaning “form” or…

  • What is difference between step up and step down transformer?

    The transformer is an electrical device that is used to step up or step down ac voltage. There are two types of transformer, step up and step down. The difference between step up and step down transformer is that step-up…

  • 5 band resistor colour code

    Carbon resistors are most common in electronic equipment. They consist of a high-grade ceramic rod or cone ( called the substrate on which is deposited a thin resistive film of carbon. The numerical value of their resistance is indicated by…

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