
  • 5 Examples of Convection

    In this post, you’ll learn the Convection of Heat and Examples of Convection. If You want to get Benefits from this Post, You’ll love this Post. Contents: Convection Definition Examples Applications Lot’s More… Keep Reading… W Transfer of heat by…

  • What do you mean by Thermal conductivity?

    “The rate of flow of heat across the opposite faces of a meter cube of a substance maintained at a temperature difference of one kelvin is called thermal conductivity of that substance.” What is Thermal conductivity formula? Conduction of heat…

  • What are the applications of carnot cycle?

    Carnot heat engine and refrigeration are one of the Carnot cycle applications. Now! We learn in detail about the Carnot cycle and the Carnot engine. What is Carnot Engine? Sadi Carnot in 1840 described an ideal engine using only isothermal…

  • examples of entropy in everyday life

    Entropy measures how much thermal energy or heat per temperature. Campfire, Ice melting, salt or sugar dissolving,  popcorn making, and boiling water are some entropy examples in your kitchen. The concept of entropy was introduced into the study of thermodynamics…

  • Difference between Diesel Engine and Petrol Engine in Tabular Form

    The basic difference between diesel engine and petrol engine is that Diesel engine draws air during suction stroke, low-speed engine and costly than a petrol engine, while petrol engine draws a mixture of petrol and air and are high-speed engines.…

  • Second law of thermodynamics: Statement, examples and applications

    The second law of thermodynamics states that heat can flow spontaneously from a hot object to a cold object; heat will not flow spontaneously from a cold object to a hot object. Carnot engine, heat engine are some examples of…

  • Types of Heat Transfer and Their Applications

    When two bodies at different temperatures are in thermal contact with each other, thermal energy from a hot body flows to a cold body in the form of heat. This is called heat transfer. Transfer of heat is a natural…

  • Examples of conduction of Heat

    Conduction of heat Transfer Examples

    What is conduction of heat? Conduction Of heat transfer is the transfer of internal energy by microscopic collisions of the particles and the movement of free electrons within a body. Colliding particles, which contain molecules, atoms, and electrons, transfer kinetic…

  • First law of thermodynamics example

    The first law of thermodynamics example definition When heat is added to a system there is an increase in the internal energy due to the rise in temperature, an increase in pressure or change in the state. If at the…

  • Difference between Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine in Tabular Form

    The basic difference between gas turbine and the steam turbine is that the gas turbine is easy to start and control easily while the steam turbine is difficult to start and difficult to control. The idea of the gas turbine…

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