
Difference Between Uniform and Non Uniform Motion with Examples

Difference between uniform and non uniform motionThe basic difference between uniform and non-uniform motion is that: In uniform motion, a body moves with a constant speed such as the Motion of the earth around the sun. While in non-uniform motion a body moves with a variable speed such as a Horse running in the race.

This post includes:

  • Uniform motion Definition
  • Non-uniform motion definition
  • Uniform Vs non-uniform motion Comparison table
  • Lots more

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What is Uniform motion?

The motion in which the body moves with constant speed and has zero acceleration is called Uniform motion.

Examples of uniform motion

  • Car going along a straight road at a constant speed
  •  The train goes along the tracks at a constant speed
  • The movement of the fan
  • Vibrating spring in a sewing machine
  • Cooling fan running at a fixed speed

Read also: laws of motion

What is Non-Uniform motion?

The motion in which the body moves with variable speed and the acceleration is not zero is called non-uniform motion.

Examples of non-uniform motion

  • The movement of an asteroid
  • Car coming to a halt
  • A bouncing ball
  • The train coming to its terminating sop
  • Dragging a box from a rough surface
  • A horse running in a race
  • Bus on its way

Read also: Branches of mechanics

Difference between uniform and non-uniform motion in tabular form


Uniform motion Non Uniform motion
In Uniform motion, the movement of a body is along a straight line with constant speed. In non-uniform motion, the movement of a body is along a straight line with variable speed.
In uniform motion, the body covers an equal distance in an equal interval of time. In this type of motion, the body does not cover an equal distance in equal intervals of time.
The speed of the object is similar to the actual speed. The speed of the object is different from the actual speed.
The graph between distance and time (distance-time) graph shows a straight line. The graph between distance and time (distance-time) graph shows a curved line.
This type of motion has zero acceleration. It has no zero acceleration.

Uniform Vs Non Uniform motion (video)

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