
  • Newton’s law of universal gravitation formula

    Newton’s law of gravitation can be stated as: “Everybody in the universe attracts every other body with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their…

  • Terminal velocity examples

    When a magnitude of the drag force becomes equal to the weight, the acting force acting on the droplet is zero. Then the droplet will fall with a constant speed called terminal velocity. A person falling from a certain height…

  • Gravitation: Examples of gravitational force

    What do you mean by gravitation or gravity? Gravity or the Gravitation is the force of attraction between bodies, between the masses. Gravitation is the strangest of the forces of nature. We don’t know what it is. The two most important physicists…

  • Gravitational field strength

    What is the Gravitational field? “The space around the earth in which earth can exert a force of attraction on other bodies is called gravitational field.”A basic fact of gravitation is that particles exert forces on one another. This is…

  • Projectile motion equations

    What is Projectile Motion? Projectile motion is a type of motion experienced by an object that is projected near the Earth’s surface and moves along a curved path under the action of the force of gravity only if the effects…

  • law of Conservation of Momentum class 9

    Guess now! Why do the passengers in the bus move forward when the bus stops quickly? What happens when two bodies strike with each other? Why gun recoils back after firing? Do you want to learn these types of questions…

  • Kepler laws of planetary motion definition and equation

    Kepler laws of planetary motion are expressed as:(1) All the planets move around the Sun in the elliptical orbits, having the Sun as one of the foci. (2) A radius vector joining any planet to  Sun sweeps out equal areas…

  • 5 Examples of Kinetic Energy in Everyday Life

    This is a complete Post About K.E and Examples of Kinetic Energy. So If You want to learn in detail about K.E. in detail, You”ll love the Visual Examples in this post. Let’s Dive Right in. Contents: Kinetic Energy Definition…

  • Mechanics and its Different Branches in Physics

    What is mechanics in physics? The branch of science deals with the study of the motion of the body, its causes, and its effects. It is the oldest of the physical sciences and is the study of the motion of…

  • Difference between Orbit and Orbital

    The Differences between Orbit and Orbital is given here. An orbit and an orbital are similar terms that identify two different concepts for both physics and chemistry. keep reading… Orbit For physics, an orbit is nothing more than the path that…

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