List of Famous Physics Scientists
Famous physics Scientists and their contributions
![List of Physics Scientists](/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/List-of-Physics-Scientists-min.png)
Name of Physicists | Inventions |
Isaac Newton | Law of Gravitation, Laws of Motion, Reflecting telescope |
Galileo Galilei | Law of Inertia |
Archimedes | Principle of Buoyancy, Principle of Lever |
S.N.Bose | Quantum Statistics |
Niels Bohr | Quantum model of Hydrogen atom |
James Chadwick | Neutron |
Earnest Rutherford | Nuclear model of Atom |
Christian Huygens | Wave theory of Light |
Edvin Hubble | Expanding Universe |
Abdus Salam | Unification of week and e/m interactions |
R.A.Milikan | Measurement of Electronic Charge |
E.O.Lawrence | Cyclotron |
Wolfgong Pauli | Quantum Exclusion principle |
Louis de Broglie | Wave nature of matter |
J.J.Thomson | Electron |
Hideki Yukawa | Theory of Nuclear Forces |
James Clerk Maxwell | Theory of Electromagnetism, Kinetic Theory of Gasses |
Wilhelm E Weber | Developed sensitive magnetometers, worked in electrodynamics and the electrical structure of matter |
Joseph Henry | Performed extensive fundamental studies of electromagnetic phenomena , devised first practical electric motor |
Michael Faraday | Discovered Electromagnetic induction and devised first electrical transformer |
Count Alessandro Volta | Pioneer in study of electricity, invented Battery |
Andre Marie Ampere | Father of electrodynamics |
Hans Christian Oersted | Discovered that a current in a wire can produce magnetic effects |
Georg Ohm | Discovered that current flow is proportional to potential difference and inversely proportional to resistance (Ohms law) |
Johan Balmer | Developed empirical formula to describe hydrogen spectrum |
Gustav Kirchhoff | Developed three laws of spectral analysis and three rules of electric circuit analysis, also contributed to optics |
Heinrich Hertz | Worked on electromagnetic phenomena; also discovered radio waves and the Photoelectric effect |
Nikola Tesla | Created alternating current |
Lord Rayleigh | Discovered argon, explained how light scattering is responsible for the red color of sunset and blue color of the sky |
Antoine Henry Becquerel | Discovered natural radioactivity |
Sir Joseph John Thomson | Demonstrated the existence of the electron |
Max Planck | Formulated the quantum theory, explain the wavelength distribution of blackbody radiation |
Pierre Cuire | Studied Radioactivity with wife, Marie Curie; discovered piezoelectricity |
Wilhelm Wien | Discovered laws governing the radiation of heat |
Marie Curie | Discovered radioactivity of thorium; co-discovered radium and polonium |
Charles Wilson | Invented the cloud chamber |
Albert Einstein | Explained Brownian motion and photoelectric effect; theory of atomic spectra, Formulated Theories of special and general relativity |
Otto Hahn | Discovered the fission of heavy nuclei |
Clinton Joseph Davison | Co discovered electron diffraction |
Niels Bohr | Contributed to Quantum theory and theory of nuclear reactions and nuclear fission |
Arthur Compton | Discovered the increase in wavelength of x rays when scattered by an electron |
Werner Heisenberg | Contributed to the creation of quantum mechanics; introduced the Uncertainty principle and concept of exchange forces |
Wilhelm Rontgen | Discovered and studied x rays |